The Sentencing Foundation is the logistical support for a crime reduction program known as 'Resource-Based Sentencing and Supervision'. We connect criminal court sentencing judges with networks of cost-free re-entry resources that can be utilized during court proceedings to assist defendants based upon their apparent preventative need. Our mission is to reduce recidivism and effectuate real change to move the needle on mass incarceration, while simultaneously shrinking the trust gap between ordinary citizens and the criminal justice system.
Resource-Based Sentencing and Supervision is a comprehensive program which acts as a proactive system of accountability, designed to reduce recidivism and only incarcerate those who truly need to be, for public safety reasons. The program relies on the commitment of the sentencing and supervising judge in selecting the most efficacious and dedicated re-entry resources, and requiring the defendant to appropriately utilize them.
The Sentencing Foundation, as the logistical support for Resource-Based Sentencing and Supervision, primarily facilitates connections between judges and reliable re-entry resources, to ensure that convicted citizens have a fair opportunity to gain a stake in society such that they no longer want to offend.
With the support of The Sentencing Foundation, this program can effectively and efficiently operate in every state and federal criminal court room in America.
Juneteenth Celebration Event
TSF members & affiliates gather for Poetry, Food, & Wine to celebrate Juneteenth & share thoughts on Freedom & Life.
Art Gallery Fundraiser
Pulitzer Prize Winner & TSF Board Member Luis Suave Gonzalez led a fundraiser for TSF at the Morton Contemporary Gallery.
Using the model of Resource-Based Sentencing and Supervision, the sentencing judge will:
Identify the reason(s) for the offense
Order conditions which directly address the identified reason(s)
Engage with the defendant to construct a comprehensive plan on how to meet the ordered condition(s)
Conduct periodic status hearings to hold the defendant accountable to making reasonable progress on fulfilling the sentencing condition(s)
The judge will refer the defendant to a cost-free resource that will assist the defendant in fulfilling the ordered condition(s).
The Sentencing Foundation organizes networks of cost-free re-entry resources for participating judges’ use, that generally fall under one of the following categories:
Mental Health Support
Substance Abuse Guidance
Educational / Vocational Training
Employment and/or Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Long-Term and Short-Term Housing Solution Related Services
Resources are provided by participating sentencing / supervising judges during court proceedings based upon apparent preventative need. Resources are held accountable for being respectful and responsive, and for delivering the articulated service during periodic status
hearings relative to the defendant’s progress.
The Sentencing Foundation's mission is the growth of Resource-Based Sentencing and Supervision to create a paradigm shift on how judges sentence and supervise in a manner which fosters a relationship between the defendant, the judge and re-entry resource which naturally culminates in the reduction of recidivism while simultaneously shrinking the trust gap between ordinary citizens and the criminal justice system.
Regular Sentencing & Supervision vs.
Resource-Based Sentencing & Supervision
The Sentencing Foundation follows a sentencing and supervision model known as 'Resource-Based Sentencing and Supervision.' This method actively engages the defendant with the judge to address the reason(s) for the offense, using cost-free resources provided by the judge. What makes this program effective is that the defendant routinely checks in with the judge to report their progress, and is rewarded for compliance or held accountable for negligence.
Typical sentencing does not involve such attention on the part of the judge; therefore, after sentencing, the defendant is effectively on their own. This is likely to result in recidivism, keeping the defendant locked in the cycle of mass incarceration without the necessary resources to escape.

By facilitating the sentencing and supervising judge's active participation, The Sentencing Foundation fosters a trust-enhancing relationship between the defendant and the judge, thereby reducing the likelihood of reoffending.

Resource-Based Sentencing and Supervision prohibits the historically accepted practice of a criminal court judge only seeing convicted people for the purpose of punishing them, requiring judges to routinely check-in with defendants regardless of their progress and ensure they are showing commitment towards reimagining thier own lives. TSF is the logistical support for Resource-Based Sentencing and Supervision which makes this program duplicatable in ANY jurisdiction regardless of whether in a big city or small rural community.
If you are a sentencing judge in a criminal court or reentry resource, we encourage you to join our fight against mass incarceration.

The Sentencing Foundation is a crime reduction program that provides re-entry resources to criminal justice-involved individuals (regardless of whether or not actually incarcerated).
With over 97% of (federally) incarcerated individuals being released from custody at some point in their lifetime, it is crucial to recognize the danger and likelihood of recidivism under our current criminal justice structure. These individuals are released from custody but do not have the tools or resources to effectively re-enter the community. Defendants often struggle with substance dependency, mental health issues, educational limitations, employment deficiencies, as well as long term and short term housing challenges.
According to the National Institute of Justice, about 44% of people released from prison are re-arrested within the first year after release, and 68% were re-arrested within the first 3 years. The system is not structured to support the re-entry of formerly incarcerated individuals nor is it built to humanely house and feed millions of people, thereby trapping society in a system of incarceration.
By recognizing this cycle and addressing the associated systemic issues, we are able to effectuate real reductions in crime.